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Saturday, October 20, 2007

DNA Extraction

Grade 8 (MS 3) learning partners at the International School of Neustadt (Weinstrasse) have discovered how to extract DNA from a living organism.

As part of their inquiry into genetics the MS3 learning partners were challenged by their Science mentor to extract DNA from a living organism to study under a microscope. “But how are we going to do that?” some of the LP’s asked.

As an inquiry based school that values autonomous learning and independent inquiry, learning partners were encouraged to research various methods to extract DNA and to write up a Scientific protocol to solve the problem.

LP’s researched and brainstormed ideas and started their investigation yesterday. They worked with enthusiasm and dedication and were rewarded with ample samples of DNA, which they studied under a microscope. Well done, MS3, with a job done well!!
To see a slideshow of how the MS 3 LP’s done the extraction visit our Middle School Web Blog (www.isnms.wordpress.com)