From this Thursday to next Wednesday ISN middle school will have exam. This is also a practice for the IGCSE and IBO exam which will come fore MS4 in one and four years.
The rules are clear and strict:
• No talking: Not make teacher think you are cheating, because than you will earn a zero in the exam.
• No erasing things like Tippex or things like that. Just an eraser is allowed, but just at drawings.
• Just a bottle of water and a pen may come into the examine room.
• If you want to go to the toilette, a teacher has to come with you, to make sure, you don’t cheat.
These were the main rules for the exam. The LP’s will write the exam in three different rooms, mixed together, but so thet they can’t cheat: MS1 – MS2 – MS3 – MS4 – MS1 …. Before exam LP’s needed to sign a sheet for academic honesty, which, if you don’t sign it, means, that you can’t write the exam.