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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ryan Giggs signs Manchester United contract

Ryan Giggs, a 35 year-old player, agreed for a 1- year contract extension with Manchester United until June 2010.

Ryan Giggs, who made his team debut 18 years ago, first played for Manchester City till he left the team in the 1990 - 1991 season. Giggs came from Manchester City and went to Manchester United in the 1990 - 1991 season. He was 17 Years old when he came to Manchester United. Ryan Giggs held a host of football records, including being the most decorated player in English soccer history. On the 11th May 2008 Giggs got the 1st
division English league title medal. Giggs was the first player in the history of English football to win two Young Player of the Year awards. Giggs was born at St David’s hospital in Carton, Wales. Ryan grew up in a town called Ely in Northern Wales.


Anti Polio vaccine

During the next three days more than 20 million children in the west of Africa are expected to get vaccinated against Polio. This Project has mobilized 100s of thousands of volunteers from eight different countries to help these children!
The United Nations Children’s Fund is also working with the health Minister to try to rid Africa of the highly contagious and incurable virus.

Polio is a very dangerous sickness which is often seen in children. Polio is caused by an infectious virus, which can lead to paralysis or even to death. There are three stages of Polio: Mild, Normal and strong Polio. For Mild Polio some of the symptoms are headaches, vomiting, muscle pain, fever, nausea and stiffness. Polio can be prevented through vaccination which a 6 week child has to have in their vaccination schedule.

The figure above shows a child getting vaccinated. Source: Environmental News Network.
Source BBC

Dutch lawmaker filed charge

This man got charged because of inciting religious hatred in speeches and a film he made about Islam last year. The lawmaker is named Geert Wilders and is in the Dutch parliament of the right-wing party for freedom. Nine people filed him with the court appeal. They charged him because of a 15 min long film called “Fitan” he made about terrorist attacks and to say that Islam is a threat for western society. The movie made complaints in the whole of Europe, the organization of the Islamic conference as well as from the USA which warned that this could spark riots. The movie starts with a picture of Mohamed with a turban shaped like a bomb. Then it shows translated portions of the Quran and then pictures from the 9.September and in the background you hear calls from the people who where in the trade center when the plane crashed.


photo from CNN.com

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Satellite-crash over Alaska

On the 11.2.09 two big satellites, one from the USA and an old one from Russia, crashed in 800km height. The problem is that this leaves a big cloud of space junk, which can break other satellites and even damage the ISS and kill people. However, this is not very likely, because there where also much other crashes in space, but this one was the biggest one until wow.
This crash did not have to do anything with the relationship between the two countries. it was just an accident. On the other hand, did also something happen in 2007, which wasn’t an accident: China shot down an American TV-satellite, just for fun? One year later, the USA made them self the same fun with a Chinese spy – satellite.

This is earth with all the satellites:

fron geo.de

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Eden Project in Bristol

A Parent came up with the Idea to fly to Bristol, England, to the Famous Eden Project, according to our new U. o. I. which we started in January 2009. The Plan is to take MS 2- MS 4 (But it is not decided yet) there and show them the whole-wide-world of the Environmental Concern.
This Trip would be in Summer Holidays!

This Company is all about the Environment, for example harvesting and other activities for Children. Like Art, Music and also Open air Concerts. They also have things like plants and animals etc.
Source: My Father

German lesson

In the German lesson on 5 February, MS2 and MS3 began to write their own article about their neighbors: Police and zoll. They separated the group into two parts. The first ones went to the police, the other one to the customs. They interviewed, looked around and took pictures. On 10 February they will present a presentation about their object and will give a individually-written article to the teacher.
Our reporter was with the first group at the police garage. They found out much information! Here are some facts:
• The police garage just repairs police cars and motorcycles
• They need some special equipment for their job
• Police cars are damaged very often: There are about 250 cars around there that work, and 150 are damaged every year.
• The police also checks their cars by itself
• They have a big sock of components
• The highest place in the garage is the garage chief
• There are 6 people working in the garage

This interview was very interesting. The other group liked their interview, and where very excited, when they came back: They showed each other pictures and talked about the herd and saw things.
