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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

US-fight jet flys into a village

A US-fight jet type F-18 crashed yesterday into the Californian village San Diego. This accident killed tree people and whipped out four houses. The pilot could come out of the plane in time. He is under shock.
The F-18 wanted to land in the near air force base Miramar, after a turbine was defect. The second one got defect over the village. The pilot first wanted to land on a flat land before the village, but that did not work.

Pennsylvanian teen charged for killing school enemies

A Pennsylvanian teen got charged like an adult because he planed to kill classmates he did not like and then holding the gun at him to kill himself. Richard Yanis stole 3 hand guns from his father and then he told the police he planned to shoot classmates and at the end himself. Yanis (15) was charged for attempted murder in an adult court because juvenile law in Montgomery County does not include crimes with deadly weapons. The investigations started after Richard’s Father reported that 3 hand guns from a locked locker in the basement of his house where stolen. His son took a Smith & Wesson 357 Caliber revolver, a Smith & Wesson 22 Caliber and a colt 45Caliber.


Crash of military fighter kills family

In San Diego (California) a fighter of the U.S. air force crashed into a house and killed a grandmother, a mother and two young children. The F/A-18D jet plane was trying to land at the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The Marine Corps said that the pilot told them that he is having some trouble. The Man from Korea who lost two children, his wife and his mother in law did not blame the pilot who ejected and survived. He said in accented English: “I don’t blame him. I don’t feel any hard feelings. I know that he has done everything he could.” Authorities said that when the jet crashed into family Yoon’s house. One of the two children was less then 2 months old the other one was 15 months old. His wife Young Mi was 36 and her mother only 60 years, when the jet crashed into their house. And Dong Yun was at Work. Now an investigation of the cause has been launched.

Source BBC

Cancer overtakes Heart disease in 2030

At the moment, Heart disease is the most “Popular” Disease which people die from. In 2030, Scientists say that Cancer will increase the rate of which people die. About Twenty-seven million new cancer cases are expected. The Heart disease rate will decrease.
Source BBC

Black hole in Milky Way

There is a very big black hole at the center of our galaxy. German astronomers tracked the movement of 28 stars that circulate abound the center of the Milky Way. This black hole is 4 million times heavier than the sun.
Source: CNN

Sony cuts 8,000 Jobs in 2010

Sony has announced to cancel 8,000 electronic jobs, 5 % of division as well as shutting 10% of its manufacturing sites. The jobs should be cut in April 2012 but has not announced in which countries the staff would leave the company. The sad news was announced in Japan.
Source: BBC

Virus hits Facebook users

120 million users got attacked by the virus Koobface. It sends messages to a person’s inboxes,pretending to be their friend. The messages say: you look funny in this new video. When you click at the link a massage tells you to watch “secret videos by Tom. DON’T FOLLOW THESE LINKS!!!!!!! If you do, a dangerou virus will attack your Computer.

Please don’t try to use Facebook anymore.

Bird flu kills more than 20.000 chickens

In Hong Kong over 80.000 chickens got killed because of Bird flu. They got killed on Tuesday after they discovered it in dozens of birds that had died at a farm in this area. The birds in an area of 3 kilometers (2 miles) where discovered dead. In a farm in this area had reported 60 dead chickens. After many tests they found out that these chickens had bird flu. Also in a other farm the government discovered Bird flu. These chickens had the H5 virus. This Virus killed people in Africa, Europe and Asia. Until 2003 over 200 people died on the H5N1. Not many strand of this Virus can be transferred by Human to Human transmission.

source: BBC.com

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Middle school exam week

From this Thursday to next Wednesday ISN middle school will have exam. This is also a practice for the IGCSE and IBO exam which will come fore MS4 in one and four years.
The rules are clear and strict:
• No talking: Not make teacher think you are cheating, because than you will earn a zero in the exam.
• No erasing things like Tippex or things like that. Just an eraser is allowed, but just at drawings.
• Just a bottle of water and a pen may come into the examine room.
• If you want to go to the toilette, a teacher has to come with you, to make sure, you don’t cheat.
These were the main rules for the exam. The LP’s will write the exam in three different rooms, mixed together, but so thet they can’t cheat: MS1 – MS2 – MS3 – MS4 – MS1 …. Before exam LP’s needed to sign a sheet for academic honesty, which, if you don’t sign it, means, that you can’t write the exam.

Suicide bomber from Köln arrested

The suitcase bomber from Köln got captured. Yesterday the judgment got pronounced. He got life imprisonment.
He and his friend placed two case bombs in trains. If their plan would have bin successful, it would have killed hundreds of people with an over 15 meters big fireball. Only, because they did a mistake, the bombs didn’t detonate. If they wouldn’t have made this mistake, the bombs would have exploded and kill all these people.
Youssef El Hajdib (suitcase bomber) said, that the main points, why he tried it, were the Muhammad-catoons were, which got published in spring 2006 in the German newsletters.
During the lawsuit he often told wrong thing, to make himself look better.
After the judgment got pronounced he showed everyone the middle finger and said bad things to the judge.

Attacks in India

At the moment, India is one of the most frequent lands in news. The situation in India is very tricky. Only in the last week attacks killed over 190 people and injured over 300. The government of India is sure, that a group of Islamists, which came in the land from Pakistan, caused these attacks. Because of this, the Indian government closed all the big airports in the land and set very strong controls to keep away other terrorists. Also the Pakistan government is ready to help, by solving the problems with stronger controls of people traveling out.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Suicide bomber atack in Afghanistan

On Thursday, suicide bombers struck again in Afghanistan. A bomber detonated a prepared car at the entrance of an Afghan intelligence headquarter. Officials say that at least 1 police officer died. This attack was done in the city of Khost, the capital of the Khost province. This attack also wounded many passengers, including some agents from the intelligence center. Tahir Sabarai, the province deputy governor said that the bomber killed 1 officer and wounded 8 nearby people. The head of this province said that 2 officers got killed and 9 passengers got wounded. A second car next to the building exploded too. The military and some officers stormed the buildings around...
the photo shows a young suicide bomber in training.

source: BBC.com

The richest man of the world

The richest man in world is Carlos Slim. He is 67 years old and has $59 billion in banks. He is the youngest son from the slim family. He recently lent $55 million to an insurance company.
Source: World record Book

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lamborghini designs four door prototype

Lamborghini has made the last weeks very very interested in their new four door prototype the Estoque. It looks just like their Reventon but with four doors, a front engine with less power, and some changes of the chassis. It lies fully in the trend with its long front and short rear deck and two huge very Reventon like air intakes. In the back it has a very nice carbon diffuser and a huge also Reventon like exhaust. They made us even more interested by telling us that we could expect a 560 Hp engine from the Gallardo Lp 560-4 as well as a four wheel drive. It will maybe show up at the Paris motor show. It is said that it will be put on the Market to compete with the Porsche Panamera and the Aston Martin Rapide.


England vs. Germany

England beats Germany
Yesterday, on the 19th of November England’s national football
Team visited Berlin (Germany).
The TV said it was an historic game because England and Germany often played against each other.
The English team had a handicap because most of their players from the good teams were injured.
In the first half, the score was 1:0 for England thanks to Upson at the 24th minute.
After the second half, Germany got new power and Helmes scored the equalizing goal.
The final goal was scored by John Terry (2:1) at the 84th minute with a header.
The Final score was 2:1 for England.

Source Newspaper

Russia sends more troops to Africa

In the last weeks, Pirate attacks in Africa have grown in an abnormal fashion. Russia sends military troops there to secure tankers with oil and Gas. In this area, there is already an aid ship called Neustrashimy. It helped the crew of ships in many scenarios. But 1 ship is not enough for such a huge area so some more ships need to pack their crew and move there. The Russian government said in September their ships would work alone but the Neustrashimy grouped earlier also with the British ship HMS Cumberland to fight against the Pirates. NATO has already sent many ships (number unknown) to the Horn of Africa.


The world’s new fastest car

The new fastest car is the SSC Ultimate Aero TT, the World’s most powerful car ever produced. The top speed is 256.18mph or 412.28 km/h. This car was Verified by Guinness World Records on October 9, 2007 as the fastest production car. SSC plans a limited run of only 25 cars with a distinctive number plate matching chassis numbers to protect its collector value. The price is non known yet but I think more than 2,000,000 Euro.

Fire in Berlin Airport

Stephan Fleischer who is the spokesman for the Berlin Airport said that no one got hurt in the fire in which 135 firemen and 35 rescue vehicles have extinguished the fire. The fire started on Thursday morning, (20th November 2008). The 1,000-square-meter that burned was mostly used as a quarantine office.

Girl, 13, rejects life saving heart operation

London (England), a 13 year old girl is at home with her family after talking with British authorities to allow her to refuse a heart transplant operation. Hannah Jones tells that she had enough of hospitals because she spent her last 8 years in the hospital. When she was only 4 years old she was diagnosed with leukemia. It was lately discovered that she has “corimopathy “that is a disease of the heart.
Source: BBc

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mars Mission

Mars Mission
The Phoenix Lander has been silent since 2.11.2008 the experts of NASA said. They expected this would happen, but they hope, the Lander will work again in spring on mars (spring on mars
is in December).

The Lander worked for five months. It has scientific instruments on board, to examine materials on Mars. The scientists got a lot of information about materials on Mars.

NASA knows the reason for the damage on Mars. Dust storms covered the sunlight. This affected the Phoenix Lander which depends on solar energy to function.

Meanwhile winter is on Mars - the days grow shorter and shorter and the temperature decreases continuously. The Lander is now covered with ice and snow. Therefore the batteries cannot be recharged and the Lander cannot operate any longer.
But there is still hope that the Lander will restart next spring...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Arsenal's teen stars shot 3 victory goals in the match against Wigan.

Jay Simpson scored his first Arsenal goals in a 3-0 victory over Wigan. The teenager shot the Londoner club into the League Cup quarterfinals on Tuesday.
Simpson scored twice in the game against Wigan athletics. He scored the club into the quarterfinal under the last eight into the league cup.

Arsene Wenger, the coach of Arsenal London deployed a different team in the game against wigan athletics than in he game against Manchester united where they beat them.

Chris Kirkland's the keeper from athletics kept Wigan athletics in the game against Arsenal London. Until the teenager star Jay Simpson scored the 2-0 in the last 3 minutes before break. Vela, also a young player from arsenal scored the 3-0 in 70s minute against wigan athletics. The game finished 3-0.

Source BBC

End of World War 1 anniversary!

On Tuesday, many presidents and representatives of Europe and the world held a remembrance speech, at Fort Douaumont where more than 300,000 men were slaughtered for over 300 days during a battle. Many veterans from other wars came too. Tuesday was the 90th anniversary of the end of World War 1. There are not alot of veterans of WW1 but the few that are still alive are all over 100 years old. A German veteran became 107 years old this year and a French one aged to 110 years old. But the oldest one is 112 years old. The whole war situation changed in the year 1917 when the United States joined Britain and France. In 1918 Germany signed the Treaty of Versailes. In the War, over 20.000.000 people died.

Archaeologists found 4300 years old pyramid

Archaeologists found 19 kilometers south of Giza a 4300 years old pyramid .All that remains is a square-shaped 5-meter tall and 22 meters long structure that had get covered under 25 meters of sand. They calculated that the pyramid over 14 meters high. Since 2 years they work on it, but they actually discovered it 2 weeks ago. In Egypt there were already 118 pyramids discovered until now, but the specialists say that this one is a special one because it belonged to a queen. At the moment they can only think about, witch queen it belonged to, but they think, it belonged to queen Sesheshet, who is thought to have played a important role in establishing the 6th Dynasty. They only think, because near to her, there is the pyramid of her son Till, witch was discovered 20 years before. His two girlfriends were already discovered 100 years ago. In about 2 weeks they will find the chamber inside the pyramid, where they hope to find proof of its owner. Dieter Wildung, head of Berlin's Egyptian Museum and a leading Egyptologists in Europe, said, that their claim is very plausible and that this could be a very special found.

Egypt's antiquities chief Zahi Hawass in front of the found pyramid:

Gus the ugly dog!

The St. Petersburg Times in Florida reports that Gus,
a Chinese crested dog, had cancer. He was 9 years old.

In the life of Gus, he won the World’s Ugliest Dog contest at the
Friday June 20, 2008 in Califoria.

Gus had one leg amputated because of a skin tumor and lost an eye in a dog fight.

The money that Gus won was used for his treatment.

Mars Lander „Phoenix” stopped working

Last week the mars Lander „Phoenix” which landed on May 25, finally stopped working. This Lander landed near the pole of Mars. It needed to search for water in the form of ice.

After landing, it started to work and found ice a few centimeters under the sand. But a few days after a sand storm blew over the Lander and because of that, its solar panels that recharge its batteries ran low and stopped working. This sand storm went on for weeks and Houston (main control) thought that everything was over. But when the sandstorm went away the solar panels started to work again and after a short time the Lander got energy again. After this it went to work again but in November the Martian winter came and it stopped working again. On November 2 the last data was sent to earth. Now the representatives from NASA hope that the lander survives another disaster, like the sandstorm. Because of this mission to Mars, many people now know more about the soil on mars and can wonder if there ever was life on that Planet.

source: BBC.com

Child found under Floorbroad

Child found under Floorboard

By Von Guradze MS2

A 1-year-old girl went missing last Sunday with her 2 siblings, 5 and 3 year-old girls. The father slept at the house from Sunday to Monday and woke up at 4:45 pm because of a call from her daughter in the Floorboard ! The girl was 1 day under there. She was unheard and the Police asked themselves how the child could go under there ! But she managed to go there alone.
The other two bigger siblings are still missing but hopefully they have a better story and will be found early.

Here is a Photograph of the Girl under Floorboard (8.11.2008,USA)

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New teacher

The ISN has a new teacher! Her name is Jessica, she is from America and visited the Middle School, last term. Jessica started this term as an assistant teacher in PY 4 in the Primary School. From August 2008 she will also be teaching all Science classes at the middle school. The middle school kids hope that she can teach us a lot of new topics in science. We are very excited about having Jessica as a teacher in our school.

Written by Laetitia and Nora (MS 3)


Hip Hop dance in the ISN!

With our Dancing teacher Christine we are learning a Hip hop dance to the song “Please don’t stop the Music”. And we are practicing very hard!

Our after school dance group are: Kristina, Valentine, Enya, Verena,
Anna and our very good dance teacher Christine!

By Anna (MS 1) and Kristina (MS 3)


Nostale is online were you can chat with other people. You sometimes get missions were you have to do something to turn into a special. Specials are pajamas which walk around in a pajama and hold a pillow. Pajamas can do music, sleep, dance and do a pillow fight. There are different people which you can talk to through out the game. There are people who give you cloth and food. The things that you buy cost money but not in real money.

There are sheep, wolfs, pigs and other animals. Animals can be caught and kept as pets. There is a black smith who puts hooves and other things on your animal. Some people are magicians who can heal your wounds.

By Philipp (MS 1)

Spore Fascination Biology

In the first quarter of this year the new game "Spore" was released on the German market. This game is about creating a cell that evolves to a creature and then to a tribe.

This game is a funny game with good graphics and easy to control. Another feature of the game is that you can play against other people using an internet connection.

By Daniel Hauck (MS 2)

New Magazine

(By Lilli & Amandine, MS2)

The Middle School of the ISN has a new Unit of Inquiry “Media”. The teachers used an idea of some LP`s for a whole school project. We are going to publish a magazine, a real one, which will be distributed in our community.

In Business Studies we thought about several ways of earning money, to cover the printing costs of our magazine. We also want to ask companies of our parents to sponsor our newspaper or to buy space and advertise there. If you want to sponsor or advertise in our magazine please contact Jacques at the ISN.

To get money we will start fund raising activities such as fun races, garage sales, selling our old clothes that we don’t wear anymore, sell self-made food, styling of bag packs, giving English, German, French or Math courses after school.Some other fund raising ideas we are considering are tutoring primary school children, cleaning shoes, producing a play for our community, sell old toys and much more.

If you have any other ideas please leave a comment on the ISN Times blog.

20 People killed in Sri Lanka

January 16, 2008

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka- A bomb attack on a bus, most probably a Tamil Tiger attack, killed 20 people and wounded about 50 others. A military spokesman confirmed that the attack was “definitely” planned by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

The latest roadside bomb attack by the rebels in Sri Lanka was in Bhutalla.
Please give a minute of empathy to all the dead and wounded.

By Philipp Oberbeck (MS 3)

New Unit of Inquiry: A World of Media

For a new unit of inquiry, the ISN middle school is doing a world of media. In English class we are learning about different forms of media such as the newspaper, and how they are used. We also looked at English newspapers.

Our previous unit of inquiry was cultures and traditions, which had to do with international cultures and traditions. The new unit of inquiry also focuses on things around the world. MS1 will do a project about this new unit of inquiry where we have to choose five questions about media, and write a research essay about one of them. We hope to learn a lot from this new unit of inquiry.

By Christina Carney (MS 1)

Which soccer-team do you like the most?

We, Delia Appelt and Sarah Wagner, voted in the English class 2 which soccer team has the most fans. We found out that the most people are not interested in soccer at all. But then with 3 votes Bayern München and two votes for Eintracht Frankfurt and Werder Bremen. Some of the people that like a soccer-team don’t even play themselves. This shows that some people are only fans of a soccer-team because they win or of some other reason.

We personally think that it doesn’t matter which soccer team you like the most, which soccer team plays the best or if you are even interested in soccer. And we are happy that the other students think that too.

By Delia Appelt (MS 2) and Sarah Wagner (MS 2)

Euro 2008

This year in July the Euro 2008 will take place in Austria and Switzerland. The Euro 2008 happens every 4 years. The Euro association decided to have 16 teams to qualify for the Euro. Last year Greece beat Portugal. These are the disqualified teams:
Faroe Islands
F.Y.R. Macedonia
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
San Marino
These are the qualified teams:

Czech Republic

By Tazzio Teeluck (MS 1)

Klinsmann, new bayern münchen manager

After a long discussion it is now clear. Klinsmann is the new manager of Bayern München. He will have the new job at the 1th July 2008. Now I want to ask if everybody thinks that it is good that Klinsmann will be the new manager of Bayern München? I did a small survey and asked some people from the middle school.


Good: Bad:

5 people 4 people

So most of the people think that it is good that Klinsmann will be the new manager of Bayern München.

Philipp Seimetz (MS 3)

Field Trip Day!

The Middle School will have a field trip next Wednesday to Heidelberg. We are planning a field trip to the Heidelberger art society’s film workshop. There will also be a field trip to the Heidelberger University. There we will learn some physics. The Ruprecht Karl University was built in 13.October 1386 with a church service. Later the university got bigger and bigger. Now it has 400 professors and over 25.562 students!
The whole MS is looking forward to it!

By Jorit Pfleiderer (MS 1)

This is the Heidelberg University’s logo