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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New Magazine

(By Lilli & Amandine, MS2)

The Middle School of the ISN has a new Unit of Inquiry “Media”. The teachers used an idea of some LP`s for a whole school project. We are going to publish a magazine, a real one, which will be distributed in our community.

In Business Studies we thought about several ways of earning money, to cover the printing costs of our magazine. We also want to ask companies of our parents to sponsor our newspaper or to buy space and advertise there. If you want to sponsor or advertise in our magazine please contact Jacques at the ISN.

To get money we will start fund raising activities such as fun races, garage sales, selling our old clothes that we don’t wear anymore, sell self-made food, styling of bag packs, giving English, German, French or Math courses after school.Some other fund raising ideas we are considering are tutoring primary school children, cleaning shoes, producing a play for our community, sell old toys and much more.

If you have any other ideas please leave a comment on the ISN Times blog.

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