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Wednesday, February 6, 2008

New teacher

The ISN has a new teacher! Her name is Jessica, she is from America and visited the Middle School, last term. Jessica started this term as an assistant teacher in PY 4 in the Primary School. From August 2008 she will also be teaching all Science classes at the middle school. The middle school kids hope that she can teach us a lot of new topics in science. We are very excited about having Jessica as a teacher in our school.

Written by Laetitia and Nora (MS 3)


Hip Hop dance in the ISN!

With our Dancing teacher Christine we are learning a Hip hop dance to the song “Please don’t stop the Music”. And we are practicing very hard!

Our after school dance group are: Kristina, Valentine, Enya, Verena,
Anna and our very good dance teacher Christine!

By Anna (MS 1) and Kristina (MS 3)


Nostale is online were you can chat with other people. You sometimes get missions were you have to do something to turn into a special. Specials are pajamas which walk around in a pajama and hold a pillow. Pajamas can do music, sleep, dance and do a pillow fight. There are different people which you can talk to through out the game. There are people who give you cloth and food. The things that you buy cost money but not in real money.

There are sheep, wolfs, pigs and other animals. Animals can be caught and kept as pets. There is a black smith who puts hooves and other things on your animal. Some people are magicians who can heal your wounds.

By Philipp (MS 1)

Spore Fascination Biology

In the first quarter of this year the new game "Spore" was released on the German market. This game is about creating a cell that evolves to a creature and then to a tribe.

This game is a funny game with good graphics and easy to control. Another feature of the game is that you can play against other people using an internet connection.

By Daniel Hauck (MS 2)

New Magazine

(By Lilli & Amandine, MS2)

The Middle School of the ISN has a new Unit of Inquiry “Media”. The teachers used an idea of some LP`s for a whole school project. We are going to publish a magazine, a real one, which will be distributed in our community.

In Business Studies we thought about several ways of earning money, to cover the printing costs of our magazine. We also want to ask companies of our parents to sponsor our newspaper or to buy space and advertise there. If you want to sponsor or advertise in our magazine please contact Jacques at the ISN.

To get money we will start fund raising activities such as fun races, garage sales, selling our old clothes that we don’t wear anymore, sell self-made food, styling of bag packs, giving English, German, French or Math courses after school.Some other fund raising ideas we are considering are tutoring primary school children, cleaning shoes, producing a play for our community, sell old toys and much more.

If you have any other ideas please leave a comment on the ISN Times blog.

20 People killed in Sri Lanka

January 16, 2008

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka- A bomb attack on a bus, most probably a Tamil Tiger attack, killed 20 people and wounded about 50 others. A military spokesman confirmed that the attack was “definitely” planned by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

The latest roadside bomb attack by the rebels in Sri Lanka was in Bhutalla.
Please give a minute of empathy to all the dead and wounded.

By Philipp Oberbeck (MS 3)

New Unit of Inquiry: A World of Media

For a new unit of inquiry, the ISN middle school is doing a world of media. In English class we are learning about different forms of media such as the newspaper, and how they are used. We also looked at English newspapers.

Our previous unit of inquiry was cultures and traditions, which had to do with international cultures and traditions. The new unit of inquiry also focuses on things around the world. MS1 will do a project about this new unit of inquiry where we have to choose five questions about media, and write a research essay about one of them. We hope to learn a lot from this new unit of inquiry.

By Christina Carney (MS 1)

Which soccer-team do you like the most?

We, Delia Appelt and Sarah Wagner, voted in the English class 2 which soccer team has the most fans. We found out that the most people are not interested in soccer at all. But then with 3 votes Bayern München and two votes for Eintracht Frankfurt and Werder Bremen. Some of the people that like a soccer-team don’t even play themselves. This shows that some people are only fans of a soccer-team because they win or of some other reason.

We personally think that it doesn’t matter which soccer team you like the most, which soccer team plays the best or if you are even interested in soccer. And we are happy that the other students think that too.

By Delia Appelt (MS 2) and Sarah Wagner (MS 2)

Euro 2008

This year in July the Euro 2008 will take place in Austria and Switzerland. The Euro 2008 happens every 4 years. The Euro association decided to have 16 teams to qualify for the Euro. Last year Greece beat Portugal. These are the disqualified teams:
Faroe Islands
F.Y.R. Macedonia
Northern Ireland
Republic of Ireland
San Marino
These are the qualified teams:

Czech Republic

By Tazzio Teeluck (MS 1)

Klinsmann, new bayern münchen manager

After a long discussion it is now clear. Klinsmann is the new manager of Bayern München. He will have the new job at the 1th July 2008. Now I want to ask if everybody thinks that it is good that Klinsmann will be the new manager of Bayern München? I did a small survey and asked some people from the middle school.


Good: Bad:

5 people 4 people

So most of the people think that it is good that Klinsmann will be the new manager of Bayern München.

Philipp Seimetz (MS 3)

Field Trip Day!

The Middle School will have a field trip next Wednesday to Heidelberg. We are planning a field trip to the Heidelberger art society’s film workshop. There will also be a field trip to the Heidelberger University. There we will learn some physics. The Ruprecht Karl University was built in 13.October 1386 with a church service. Later the university got bigger and bigger. Now it has 400 professors and over 25.562 students!
The whole MS is looking forward to it!

By Jorit Pfleiderer (MS 1)

This is the Heidelberg University’s logo