Thursday, May 14, 2009
Fastest Car of the World
Ripstik & Wave board history

You may believe the Wave board is the original, but it was actually just the first brand that sold in the US. The original inventor of this two-wheeled skateboard was a Korean man who sold it in Korea by another name. Two American asked for the rights of the board and offered to pay money in order to build and sell it. The men however only paid the inventor 10% of what they promised, so the inventor took the idea to the Razor scooter company where they named the board the Ripstik.
source: wikipedia,me
Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Passing, dunking, dribbling, blocking, shooting, rebounding, positioning and also fouling is part of the game we all love named basketball?
Basketball was founded in early December 1891 in Springfield Massachusetts by a Physical Education teacher from Canada, named Dr. James Naismith. He came from McGill University in Montréal. He was an instructor at the YMC Training School, now named Springfield College. To keep his students occupied, and on a high standard of fitness level through the long New England winter, he imagined this new game that we call basketball. After rejecting most of his ideas he wrote down the basic rules and nailed a peach basket over the door of the gym at 3.05m high. Today the official height of the basket is still 3.05 meters, but the rules take up over 10 pages today. The main aim of this game is to invade the opposing side and score by shooting the ball into the basket. The professional NBA stars like Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, Tony Parker, etc… and until 2002, the all-star Michael Jordan earn millions and millions in one season of basketball!
I really like the game because it combines running, throwing, jumping and many more kinds of activities I like!!
Swine flu
Countries hit:
• Australia
• Austria
• Canada
• China
• Costa Rica
• Germany
• India
• Mexico
• United Kingdom
• Spain
• Israel
• New Zealand
• Russia
The first case of Mexico flu that affected human population was in 1938. The symptoms that occur when you are hit are: fever, runny nose, sore throat, diarrhoea , lack of appetite, vomiting and coughing. There is no vaccine against it but you can try to prevent it by washing your hands often, avoid big events, avoid staying in small rooms with many people and stop kissing. When you get infected you can fight the flu with medications like Tamiflu, an antibiotic that you normally take when you get common flu.
Everyday there are more people infected with the virus and in Mexico more then 100 people have already died. In Mexico, where the Flu originated, all the schools are now closed, no one is on the streets anymore and when people wear masks in front of their mouths and noses they cannot breathe in the virus. People all over the world are scared of a global epidemic.
At the beginning they had no kits that protected them. Later the game got faster and more violent and the kits became more protective. But the rules haven´t changed that much.
The best national rugby team at the moment is from New Zealand. The best team in New Zealand is the All Blacks, and for the kiwi people they are the most popular team.

Swine flu: A new and even more dangerous virus
People handle it in many different ways: In some countries, the government gives out protectors ( facemasks)that the virus can’t spread out. In Mexico-city, all schools, kindergartens and universities are closed. Some people are even so scared, that they don’t leave their houses.
This epidemic also brings many costs with it. Who suffer the most, are tourist companies: they have to cancel every flight to or from Mexico-city. The only people who can really take advantage, are the pharmacy companies: they sell 5 times more medicine than normal.
The airports also have to prepare for the virus: The pilots and stewardesses need to look at every person for symptoms of swine flu: flying is a big problem: by flying a sickness can spread twice as fast as normal.
The two medicines we have for it are very expensive and don’t work so well. This makes the healing so hard.
It really is a bad sickness, but we will survive it!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
The IB - Special
The IB offers all three stages of education – Primary years, Middle years and Diploma years. They are very famous for their pre-university diploma.
IB-schools have very high standards:
- They have been providing high-quality education for over 35 years: their curriculum is set from the world’s leading universities.
- They try to encourage the students to be independent and global thinkers. They have to be able to work with others and still be independent.
- They try to make the students think well about school. The students should feel at home in school. Therefore they try to create a nice learning environment.
This program is accessible in almost the whole world. There are IB – world schools 134 countries. Not all of these schools are private schools: over 50% of the students are in state funded schools. With this worldwide network, the IB is the biggest school-network in world.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
What is swine flu and what should I do?
Swine flu doesn’t infect people often but there were rare cases of infected humans but all had close contact with pigs. But the current swine flu is different. It is caused by a new kind of swine flu and it is passed from person to person. The symptoms are the same as normal flu.
If you have the swine flu stay at home and if you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth. After that wash or disinfect your hands, this can help stop your flu from spreading. If you got flu symptoms and you have been in a risky area like Mexico, call a doctor immediately. Or if you where not in a risky country and you are still sick call a doctor just to be sure.

In Mexico, pandemic level 5 (of 6) has already started. This means that almost every 10th person is infected and that’s why schools and other public places are closed. Events have been cancelled.
The symptoms of swine flu are:
a runny nose,
sore throat,
lack of appetite,
and fever
If you have most of the above symptoms over a short period of time, call a doctor. There is no medicine that can fight the virus completely. There are just 2 medicines that can block or weaken the virus. The low rate of death shows that you can survive the flu and develop anti- bodies against it.
source: Wikipedia, Morning news SAT1

Over 60 affected in just one week!
More than 60 people died because of swine flu in Mexico the first week of the epidemic. Now 3 people have the disease in Germany. And three others with the symptoms of swine flu. The symptoms are fever, muscle pain, dry cough, dry throat, and vomiting.
The flu spreads by coughing, kissing or even shaking hands! The flu can not get spread by food. To help protect yourself from this disease, here is a little list of ideas!
Source BBC
• Wash your Hands often with Soap and Water. (especially small kids)
• Disinfect Hands.
• Avoid touching the Mouth, Nose or Eyes.
• Cover Mouth and Nose and avoid Sneezing and Coughing from others that may have symptoms.
This disease is affecting the human population especially in Mexico. About 100 people now have a scary life in Mexico. You can get vaccinated but it will not help as much. Every second person in Germany has lost the habit of washing his hands, especially small Kids in Primary school. So be careful.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
About the IB
You can also support the IB
IB schools are different: the teachers share all their knowledge and experience with the students whatever the question is, plus these teachers are committed to the professional development of their knowledge.
Source: Sanjay
The IB student Programme
There are 3 programmes / phases for students in the IB. These programmes are called:
- Primary Years Programme (PYP) : Grade 1 to 5
- Middle Years Programme (MYP) : Grade 6 to 10
- Diploma Programme (DP) : Grades 11 and 12.
More services and information are on the official website of the IBO
Where is the IB around the World?
What are IB world schools?
The IB has been known for its high quality education for over 35 years. The IB curriculum represents the best from many countries. The challenging Diploma is recognized by the world’s leading universities. The IB maintains high standards by actively training and supporting teachers.
The IB encourages international-mindedness in IB students. To do this, they believe that the students must first develop an understanding of their own cultural and national identity.
The IB ensures that the programs they have are accessible to students in an variety of schools - national schools, international, private and public schools in 134 countries. The IB schools form a worldwide community. More than 50% of IB students are in state funded schools.
Source Sanjay
IB: Between 10% and 20% increase per year.
The IBO has 2,777 schools in 134 different countries.
In April 2004 there were only 1,709 schools whereas in April 2009 the number has increased to 3,164.
In 2009 the number of schools almost doubled.
Source BBC

Thursday, March 5, 2009
The tennis field is 22m long and 11m wide: In the middle, there is a net.

In general, you need to try, not to let the ball touch the ground. If it does, the other person or team gets a point. The points are counted in a difficult way. If you have 5 points and the others are with two points behind, you get an “ultimate point”. It is counted like this: 5 - 10 – 15 - 30 - 40 – 1 point. Normally you play until 5 points are reached. If the ball hits the outside, the team, which didn’t get it out, gets a point.
Then there are two types of games: Single and double. In a single game the players just use the internal field.
In a double, the whole field is used. After every point, which go made the players change their positions.
I really like the game: I even play it. It is interesting and fast, which makes it really much fun.
Sources: All pictures are downloaded from Wikipedia.
1. A showdown where the person with the best cards wins.
2. All but one player have dropped out of the game.
Each player gets two cards and three cards are laid down and are counted as the last three cards for each player. The best combinations of cards from highest to lowest include:
1. Straight flush- AKQJ10 or 5432A.
2. Four of a kind- K-K-K-K.
3. Full house- Q-Q-Q-4-4.
4. Flush- J- 9- 8- 7- 3.
5. Straight- 10- 9- 8- 7- 6.
6. Three of a kind, threes, triplets and trips- 7-7-7-x-y.
7. Two pair- Q-Q-9-9-x.
8. One pair- 3-3-x-y-z.
9. High card- no combination; the highest card wins.
The history of Poker is thought to have evolved over more than ten centuries from various games, all involving the basic principals of ranked card or domino combinations and the use of ‘bluffing’ to deceive opponents. One popular belief is that a game similar to poker was first invented by the Chinese sometime before 969 A.D, when The Emperor Mu-tsung is reported to have played "domino cards" with his wife on New Years Eve.
Checkers: a History

The row closest to the player is referred to as the “king’s row”. The darker color (contrary to chess) moves first. There are 2 ways to move: a simple diagonal move to an adjacent square or a jump, which is a move directly adjacent to an opponent’s square. Then the player would then “jump over” the opponent’s checker in a diagonal move to an empty square opposite to the opponent’s square. The square’s checker is then captured and added to the capture bin. When a piece moves to the opponent’s side, it is “kinged” and it is then known as a “king” which can move backwards. You win when you have captured the entire opponent’s checkers.
The History of Checkers dates back to the Mesopotamian cultures of 3000 BC. However this early form of Checkers used a different board with a different number of checkers and no one is sure of the rules. The next development in checkers was “Alquerque“an ancient Egyptian game which dates back to 1500 BC which used a 5x5 board. This variation was played in Europe for several hundred years. Around 1100 AD, a Frenchman had the idea of putting 12 pieces on an 8x8 board, called "Fierges" or "Ferses" it was soon brought to England and then later, America.
In my opinion, this game is unbelievably simple, which is why I prefer Chess over checkers because you need a brain to think strategically rather than simple guess work. However, this is still a viable way of passing time.

Handball is a modern team sport. Handball is one of the fastest indoor sports. There are
Two different versions of handball - there is an outdoor version called outdoor handball and an inside version called indoor handball. Handball is an Olympic sport played in over 150 countries. You can play handball when you are fit and healthy.
You play handball with 6 court players and one goalkeeper per team. You have to shoot the ball into the goal on the opposite site.
Handball is played on a court 40 long and 20 meters wide. The game is two halves of 30 minutes each. The shots at the goal can reach over 100 km/h per hour. Handball is a game where you catch, jump, shoot, pass and save.
Handball is played with 4 officials.2 referees and 1 time keeper and one score keeper. Two referees are required because the game is so fast. For the 1 penalty you play you get a yellow card. For the second foul you play you have to go out for 2 minutes.

Handball started in the ancient world in Greece but the game wasn’t called handball it was called Urania.The real game Handball started in the 19th century in Berlin as an outside version. The inside version was invented 1906 by a teacher from Copenhagen.
The 21st Handball World cup started on the 1st of February 2009 in Croatia. The current winner of the world cup is France. France won the final against Croatia. France won the world cup already 3 times -1995, 2001 and 2009.
In think that handball is a very interesting and fast game. If you want to play handball you have to very fit and healthy because the sport is fast and you need to be in excellent physical condition.

Hockey is the first of all sports played with an stick, such as cricket and golf. Hockey was not known as hockey until the 18th century. In Inner Mongolia and China people have played Beikow which is a game similar to modern field hockey, for about 1,000 years. Old drawings from Egypt showed hockey. The drawings are about 4,000 years old. The modern game grew from English republic schools in the early 19th century. The first club was in 1849.It was Blackheath in the south-east of London. There are different types of hockey such as: Field hockey, Ice hockey and Indoor hockey. These three types are the most played ones. Hockey was first played at the summer Olympics in 1880 and 1920. The successful hockey teams today are Germany, Netherlands, Spain and Australia. Hockey is a very popular Sport.
That was my small text about Hockey. I like the game very much because it is very interesting.
Source:Sports Hockey Book
The history of chess
- Spain: ajedrez
- Portugal: xadrez
- Greek: zatrikion.
Chess was popular in Europe and the people started to change the rules in Spain and Italy. The game got known
As queen’s chess or mad queen chess
Because the queen was the most powerful figure in the game. This was the first chess game from the gupta empire (280-550 CE)
The first modern championship was in London in 1851. The winner was a German named Adolf Anderssen. The champion from 2007 on is Viswanathan Anand, he won this title 2 times and is still the champion today.
Even today chess still turns like you see on this picture of a 3 player chess board.
Funny chessboard made.
source: wikipedia
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ryan Giggs signs Manchester United contract
Ryan Giggs, who made his team debut 18 years ago, first played for Manchester City till he left the team in the 1990 - 1991 season. Giggs came from Manchester City and went to Manchester United in the 1990 - 1991 season. He was 17 Years old when he came to Manchester United. Ryan Giggs held a host of football records, including being the most decorated player in English soccer history. On the 11th May 2008 Giggs got the 1st
division English league title medal. Giggs was the first player in the history of English football to win two Young Player of the Year awards. Giggs was born at St David’s hospital in Carton, Wales. Ryan grew up in a town called Ely in Northern Wales.

Anti Polio vaccine
The United Nations Children’s Fund is also working with the health Minister to try to rid Africa of the highly contagious and incurable virus.
Polio is a very dangerous sickness which is often seen in children. Polio is caused by an infectious virus, which can lead to paralysis or even to death. There are three stages of Polio: Mild, Normal and strong Polio. For Mild Polio some of the symptoms are headaches, vomiting, muscle pain, fever, nausea and stiffness. Polio can be prevented through vaccination which a 6 week child has to have in their vaccination schedule.
The figure above shows a child getting vaccinated. Source: Environmental News Network.
Source BBC

Dutch lawmaker filed charge

photo from
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Satellite-crash over Alaska
This crash did not have to do anything with the relationship between the two countries. it was just an accident. On the other hand, did also something happen in 2007, which wasn’t an accident: China shot down an American TV-satellite, just for fun? One year later, the USA made them self the same fun with a Chinese spy – satellite.
This is earth with all the satellites:
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Eden Project in Bristol
This Trip would be in Summer Holidays!
This Company is all about the Environment, for example harvesting and other activities for Children. Like Art, Music and also Open air Concerts. They also have things like plants and animals etc.
Source: My Father

German lesson
Our reporter was with the first group at the police garage. They found out much information! Here are some facts:
• The police garage just repairs police cars and motorcycles
• They need some special equipment for their job
• Police cars are damaged very often: There are about 250 cars around there that work, and 150 are damaged every year.
• The police also checks their cars by itself
• They have a big sock of components
• The highest place in the garage is the garage chief
• There are 6 people working in the garage
This interview was very interesting. The other group liked their interview, and where very excited, when they came back: They showed each other pictures and talked about the herd and saw things.