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Thursday, March 5, 2009


Tennis is a ball sport, which comes from a French sport, called “Jeu de Paume”, which means “play with hand”. They batted the ball against a wall, which was on one side, so it flew over the net. On the other side, the audience sat and observed. This game, mostly was played in abbeys. The actual name “tennis” came from the old word “tennes”, which means hold.

The tennis field is 22m long and 11m wide: In the middle, there is a net.

In general, you need to try, not to let the ball touch the ground. If it does, the other person or team gets a point. The points are counted in a difficult way. If you have 5 points and the others are with two points behind, you get an “ultimate point”. It is counted like this: 5 - 10 – 15 - 30 - 40 – 1 point. Normally you play until 5 points are reached. If the ball hits the outside, the team, which didn’t get it out, gets a point.
Then there are two types of games: Single and double. In a single game the players just use the internal field.
In a double, the whole field is used. After every point, which go made the players change their positions.

I really like the game: I even play it. It is interesting and fast, which makes it really much fun.

Sources: All pictures are downloaded from Wikipedia.

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