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Friday, December 7, 2007

Movie Madness in Drama Class!

(by Philipp O. MS 3 grade 8)

At the International School of Neustadt (Weinstrasse), learning partners are preparing for filming a movie. They are writing their own scripts, choosing music and designing outfits. Learning partners got together in groups discussing and brainstorming their movie ideas. The finished films will be shown on the Open TV Channel in Neustadt.

Our Drama mentor Jacques will show students how to use studio equipment properly to make a fantastic movie. The movie will be filmed around the Neustadt area. The Neustadt Offener Kanal TV Studio has agreed to lend their equipment to the Drama class for 2 days at a time providing that they produce material that can be broadcasted. The whole ISN Middle School is looking forward to this amazing event. This project will be assessed on broadcast quality, creativity, camera use, movie content, use of video effects and credit reel.

Good luck, all!

(N.B: Our philosophy at ISN is to engage our students in a child-centered, challenging environment where they take ownership of their learning experiences, becoming more knowledgeable, autonomous and creative in the process. Jacques, Middle School Coordinator, ISN)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Exhibition Day!

On Wednesday, October 24, middle school set up their projects all over the school to present them to the parents. The parents graded them between a one and a seven. It was called Exhibition Day, and did not get many parents. There were posters of what the learning partners were doing in school, projects that they had done in the past, and a few Cinderella plays. It had projects from social studies, and posters from English. The posters showed letter writing, false friends, and more. There were also projects from business studies and mathematics on display. In maths, some people presented projects on famous mathematicians, and others presented their projects on recipes. There were some presentations in German which included poems. Some people were talking about their presentations, and one group of people was giving out food. The students worked hard, and had fun.

By Christina (MS1)

The Sad Goodbye

On Tuesday, the 6.11.07, our favorite kitchen woman Ulrike said she has quitted. We are all very sad about it and hope that she will come back next year. She will leave us next week Thursday on the 15.11.07. People of the middle school were going to Sanjay and asked him if she can get another job on the school. He agreed but now we will hope the best for her. So Ulrike, please don't leave us! We will miss you and we will hope that we see you soon.

By Nora (MS3) and Laetitia (MS3)


How bad is the teacher?
He’s so bad he makes the chalk bored.
He’s so bad he gives aspirins a headache.
He’s so bad, his students compare test snores.

Meet the world’s toughest teacher
How tough is she?
She sends other teachers to the principal.
She grades students on fire drills.
Her tests are tougher than the roast beef in the cafeteria!
Math Problems
Young Larry stopped by the corner grocery store and read the following list to the clerk:

10 pounds sugar at $1.25 a pound
4 pounds coffee at $1.50 a pound
2 pounds butter at $1.10 a pound
2 bars soap at $.83 each

"How much does that come to?" asked Larry.

"Twenty-two dollars and thirty-six cents."

"If I gave you three ten dollar bills, how much change would I get?" said the boy.

"Seven dollars and sixty-four cents," stated the clerk who appeared to be irritated by all the questions.

Larry said, as he disappeared through the door, "I don't want to buy the item...that’s our arithmetic lesson for tomorrow, and I needed some help with it."
Would you please move your cars?

It had been snowing for hours when an announcement came over the intercom: "Will the students who are parked on University Drive please move their cars so that we may being plowing." Twenty minutes later there was another announcement: "Will the nine hundred students who went to move fourteen cars return to class."

Geography Class
Teacher: What is the axis of the earth?

Student: The axis of the earth is an imaginary line which passes from one pole to the other, and on which the earth revolves.

Teacher: Very good. Now, could you hang clothes on that line?

Student: Yes, Sir.

Teacher: Indeed, and what sort of clothes?

Student: Imaginary clothes, Sir.

By Phillip S. (MS1)

ISN Food Still the Same?

Since the start of this school year, the ISN has a new caterer, “Maximillian”. All students were amazed about the variety and quality of food. The students said:
“Wow, this food is much better than the food from the previous caterer!”
Maximillian served us warm and tasty food. The previous caterer’s food was not tasty and not well presented. Now students feel like in a Gourmet Restaurant!
But, two weeks later the food started getting worse and worse. It is still a bit better than the previous caterer but Maximillian can and should improve their food. Sometimes there is not enough food for every one. Now there are two questions we should ask ourselves. The first is: Do students who don’t pay for food eat at ISN? Or do they don’t bring enough food for all children? We hope that Maximillian improves because otherwise sadly we will need to look for another caterer.

By Amandine (MS2) and Lilli (MS2)

Bullying at ISN?

In many schools in Germany bulling is a big problem, but also at the ISN Middle school?
We will find out!
We asked 7 people from MS1, 2 and 3 if they think bulling exists and if there is bulling at the table tennis. Because table tennis is very popular at ISN and there were complaints about bulling there. We also asked if the MS1 are the outsiders in the middle school. Because they came new into the middle school and the other classes were already together last year and became good friends

Are the MS1 really the outsiders in the middle school?No! 3 people out of seven thought that the MS1 are the outsiders and 4 people thought they are not. Also if they are new in the middle school people don't think they are outsiders. One of the people we asked was from the MS1 and he also thought that they are not the outsiders.

Is bulling really existing, or just exists in the imagination of the teachers?Bulling really exists! Everybody thought that bulling really exists. A lot of times teachers spoke about bulling and many bullies already have warnings.

Is the table tennis a place of bulling?Yes! 2 people thought that the table tennis is not a place of bulling and 5 thought bulling exists at the table tennis. Also about bulling at the table tennis the teachers already spoke about. Now the teachers take a look at the students when they play. There where complaints about bulling at the table tennis and Jacques asked people if they want to have table tennis times for each class. He said that they could make times for the MS1 and the MS2, 3. But the students voted that they don't want that because then they would have less time to play.

From this Survey we could see that bulling exists in the ISN. But our teachers are very strict and give warnings, luckily. One time a student was expelled from the school because of bulling. The teachers give first three verbal warnings and then they write a letter. If it still carries on they will have a talk with the parents of the bully how they are going to change the behavior of the child so that he doesn't bully anymore. If all this doesn't help then the child will be expelled from the school.

At the ISN bulling exists, but the teachers are very strict and the bully hasn't got a chance.

From Sarah MS2 and Delia MS2