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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Bullying at ISN?

In many schools in Germany bulling is a big problem, but also at the ISN Middle school?
We will find out!
We asked 7 people from MS1, 2 and 3 if they think bulling exists and if there is bulling at the table tennis. Because table tennis is very popular at ISN and there were complaints about bulling there. We also asked if the MS1 are the outsiders in the middle school. Because they came new into the middle school and the other classes were already together last year and became good friends

Are the MS1 really the outsiders in the middle school?No! 3 people out of seven thought that the MS1 are the outsiders and 4 people thought they are not. Also if they are new in the middle school people don't think they are outsiders. One of the people we asked was from the MS1 and he also thought that they are not the outsiders.

Is bulling really existing, or just exists in the imagination of the teachers?Bulling really exists! Everybody thought that bulling really exists. A lot of times teachers spoke about bulling and many bullies already have warnings.

Is the table tennis a place of bulling?Yes! 2 people thought that the table tennis is not a place of bulling and 5 thought bulling exists at the table tennis. Also about bulling at the table tennis the teachers already spoke about. Now the teachers take a look at the students when they play. There where complaints about bulling at the table tennis and Jacques asked people if they want to have table tennis times for each class. He said that they could make times for the MS1 and the MS2, 3. But the students voted that they don't want that because then they would have less time to play.

From this Survey we could see that bulling exists in the ISN. But our teachers are very strict and give warnings, luckily. One time a student was expelled from the school because of bulling. The teachers give first three verbal warnings and then they write a letter. If it still carries on they will have a talk with the parents of the bully how they are going to change the behavior of the child so that he doesn't bully anymore. If all this doesn't help then the child will be expelled from the school.

At the ISN bulling exists, but the teachers are very strict and the bully hasn't got a chance.

From Sarah MS2 and Delia MS2

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