Learning Partners´News about our school community.

Welcome to the ISN Times online edition. Contact us to share news, events or articles with our local community.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Does Global Warming exist?

by Jacques

In our former unit of inquiry we have debated whether global warming will influence our health. Capital Area Technology Center a high school in Augusta in the USA, has made a CD for us about Global warming. In turn we are currently busy doing a power point presentation on Global Warming and Health that we want to send to them within the next 2 weeks. In our Science lesson last week we decided to try and prove that Global Warming does exist with an experiment. We are currently analysing and interpreting results and will publish our results next week in the Middle School- Science Blog.

If you would like to see a power point photo show about our investigation please visit the Middle School Science blog at http://isnscience.wordpress.com/


By Dan Whiting (PY5)

On the first day of the new term the ARD TV came to interview Sanjay and see what our school is like. They brought a field journalist, camera man and a sound man. First they just filmed us and then they interviewed Sanjay. They asked him about what he thought about our school. He said that our school trains us to be ready for the future.

The TV crew also filmed Jacques´ curriculum planning meeting with the middle school group. A few days later Benedict brought a disk to school with the recorded program on it. The whole of PY 4/5 watched themself on TV.

If you are interested to see the recording of our school that was broadcasted on the Tagesschau, click on this link.


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Angles;shapes and Power Point?

By Victoria Tann (PY4)

You may ask what angles and Microsoft Power point have to do with each other. But PY 4/5 have connected the two together to make a PowerPoint presentation on angles and shapes. They have partnered up with a classmate and created a PowerPoint presentation each. They have shown these creations to Sanjay and the rest of the class on the 26th, 27th and 28th of March.

The deadline was supposed to be on the 26th of March but only one pair managed to finish by that time so Sanjay has had to extend the deadline to the 27th and the 28th. By the end of this week they will have finished this maths unit on angles and shapes and are frantically finishing off last minute reflections. The things they had to include were: The use of a protractor, Different triangles and calculations.
We will gather up more info on what PY 4/5 are getting up to in maths in the next issue

Guided tour on the move

By Dan Whiting (PY 5)

PY 4/5 are taking on the challenge of creating guided tours of Neustadt in English. It was Sanjay’s idea, but the class thought it was brilliant. Sanjay and Wolfgang have made an agreement with the town council on making the tours and they said that it was a very good idea. In the future they will be showing people around Neustadt and its landmarks. They will now be working for the tourist information bureau. It will be a challenge that will be continuous and will last for over a year.

A bite at meditation

By Tazzio Teeluck (PY5)

Meditation classes at ISN were initiated by a boy, in MS 1, who thought that we needed more time to relax. He also thought that teachers had to relax themselves from time to time.
If you would like to participate in the meditation program you could contact us at ISN. This activity happens every school day except Wednesdays. I have taken part in the meditation class and I thought that is was a marvellous activity because this kind of activity has to do with breathing and making the brain work better by relaxation and concentration. After this meditation activity my brain was refreshed.

If you would like to take part in the meditation classes it starts at 12:30 to 12:45. The names of the leaders are Philipp Oberbeck and Delia Appelt. Good luck and I hope you will have a wonderful relaxing time with the gurus

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Changes to the ISN Times

by Jacques

The ISN Times (edition 1) was posted to all parents at the end of the previous term, by email, which caused the school server to crash.

I thought it a good idea to have an online edition of the “ISN Times” and have created this blog on behalf of the editorial staff.

I will meet with the ISN Times editorial staff this coming week so that we can decide on the layout and format of our e-news

Is our school different from others in the community?

by Dan and Tazzio

We have interviewed Sanjay on how our school is special and different from other schools. Sanjay said that our school runs an international program called the International Baccalaureate program. This program is run in more than 2000 schools in the world and more than half a million pupils study this program. In our school, here in Neustadt, the medium of instruction is English where as in other schools the medium of instruction is German or Dutch. Our school is also different because we have to follow some basic international school rules like small class sizes for example 15 in early years and not more than 25 in other years.

In our school we value positive attitudes like independence, cooperation, respect etc and attributes such as being principled, caring and open-minded as much as knowledge and skills. We found out that because our school is an international school most of our teachers here studied at universities abroad and they have also worked in many different international schools in the world. Our school accepts students from many other schools and many other countries without having the children take any special entrance tests.