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Friday, April 20, 2007

Does Global Warming exist?

by Jacques

In our former unit of inquiry we have debated whether global warming will influence our health. Capital Area Technology Center a high school in Augusta in the USA, has made a CD for us about Global warming. In turn we are currently busy doing a power point presentation on Global Warming and Health that we want to send to them within the next 2 weeks. In our Science lesson last week we decided to try and prove that Global Warming does exist with an experiment. We are currently analysing and interpreting results and will publish our results next week in the Middle School- Science Blog.

If you would like to see a power point photo show about our investigation please visit the Middle School Science blog at http://isnscience.wordpress.com/


Anonymous said...

You might want to look up wether, whether, and weather in the Oxford dictionary, just for the fun of it. Editing is an important skill.

ISN Editors said...

Thank you for your interest and advice, Anonymous. Error corrected!
