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Friday, April 20, 2007


By Dan Whiting (PY5)

On the first day of the new term the ARD TV came to interview Sanjay and see what our school is like. They brought a field journalist, camera man and a sound man. First they just filmed us and then they interviewed Sanjay. They asked him about what he thought about our school. He said that our school trains us to be ready for the future.

The TV crew also filmed Jacques´ curriculum planning meeting with the middle school group. A few days later Benedict brought a disk to school with the recorded program on it. The whole of PY 4/5 watched themself on TV.

If you are interested to see the recording of our school that was broadcasted on the Tagesschau, click on this link.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Jacques,
I want to ask you if we have to do the presentation in English for myths on monday?????????

Yours cincerely Laetitia
